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The Ad Hoc Long Range Strategic Planning Committee held its first meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 in the Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Geoffrey Dent, Kathy Fetchick, Michael Floros, Peter Marshall, Gerald Robilotti, Julia Wasserman, Anna Wiedemann

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal, Executive Assistant to First Selectman Jan Andras, three members of public

First Selectman Rosenthal advised the new committee members that the Board of Selectman took a year and a half to decide whether or not to form this committee and to agree on a Charge for the committee.  Selectman William Brimmer was getting negative feedback from the Republic Town Committee and Selectman Joseph Bojnowski also had concerns.  They felt that we already have plans in place and this was “make work”.  We have looked at other towns and will distribute copies of their Plans to the members of this commission to look over to decide if Newtown does want to continue and develop a Long Range Strategic Plan.   Currently only 8 or 9 towns in Connecticut have a Long Range Strategic Plan.  The Plan of Conservation and Development, which all towns have or should have, is a state requirement.  The town of Cheshire has a Long Range Plan and is probably the most similar to Newtown.  Mr. Rosenthal then asked members to introduce themselves.
        Ms. Julia Wasserman (State Representative) stated that she is interested as a long time resident who has seen many changes and is looking into the future.  At this point in time, her committee in the Legislature is reviewing the state’s long term planning efforts as well as regional planning agencies, of which there are 15 in the state.
        Mr. Geoff Dent is a 30 year resident.  His wife has served on the Legislative Council and the Board of Education.  He served on the Economic Development Commission.
        Ms. Kathy Fetchick grew up in Newtown.  After leaving for college and then returning, she was amazed at the growth that had occurred in town.  She can see where that growth has pushed some agencies to the limit.  She feels the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan is great but we need to look further into the future. She is currently running for a seat on the Board of Education and feels they could use some long term planning.
        Ms. Anna Wiedemann worked for the school system for twelve years.  The town has grown a lot and she would like to see something planned beyond five years.
        Mr. Gerry Robilotti was associated with Danbury Hospital for 24 years and was involved with their long range strategic planning.  There is a benefit and a deficit to long range planning.  He also feels that we need to be cognizant of our aging population.
        Mr. Michael Floros has lived in Newtown for 14 years.  He is interested in how we continue to manage the growth we are already experiencing.  He served on the Fairfield Hills Advisory Committee and also on a previous Charter Revision Commission.
        Mr. Peter Marshall retired and moved to Newtown eight years ago.  He serves on the Library Board of Trustees as Treasurer.


Election of Chairperson:  It was decided to hold off on electing Chair and Vice Chair at this time to give members a chance to decide if they would like to serve in that capacity.

Mr. Robilotti asked if the auditors have any suggestions.  Mr. Rosenthal replied that they have never indicated anything in our audits.  Moody’s Rating Service has not advised about a long range plan either.  We have shown them the plans we do have and they were satisfied with those.
        Ms. Wasserman asked if there is a time frame for the recommendations of this committee.  Mr. Rosenthal advised that it is up to this group to tell the Board of Selectmen their recommendations and the Board of Selectmen would like to receive quarterly reports from this committee.  He reminded that according to The Charter, it is up to the Board of Education to be planning for the education side and 60% to 70% of the budget is for education needs.  On the town side, the Planning and Zoning Commission is the planning agency.  They have a lot of powers under the State Statutes and the Charter but theirs is more of a land use type planning.   
        Ms. Fetchick stated that Schools Business Manager Ron Bienkowski indicated that they don’t have anything planned beyond the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.  Ms. Fetchick then gave a handout she prepared reporting on  a four member subgroup of the Board of Finance and Legislative Council who are investigating having a “Build Out” Study done (copy attached to original minutes).

Meeting Schedule:  It was decided to hold monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.  The next meetings will be held on October 22 and November 26.  In December, the date may have to be changed.  The committee will be expected to post agendas and minutes according to FOI.  Ms. Fetchick volunteered to take minutes for the present.  First Selectman Rosenthal stated that if the committee feels in the future they need clerical help, we will try to find funding.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

                                                Jan Andras
                                                Executive Assistant to First Selectman

Attachment:  Ms. Fetchick report on “Build Out” Study